Pretty Planters (Medium)

For those who read my last post and got inspired to make their homes and offices greener with dainty planters here is the next instalment! This is where things about container gardening get bigger, quirkier and bizarre.

Guitars, Tablas and other Musical Instruments:

Ever tried to learn how to play an instrument and then quit half way? Or did you play it too much and now it’s beyond repair? Well here is a way to show your love for music and the environment. Remove the strings and fill up half the guitar with soil then plant a creeper inside. Veena and Sitar can be used the same way by removing the face plate. Remove the syahi (black part) from the tabla fill it up with soil and grow something nice and leafy or you can grow flowers in a piano or harmonium. Basically any instrument with a cavity can be used by cutting out a space for the plant to grow out. Such garden planters look awesome and make quite a display piece.

Fish Bowls, Glass Bottles and Large Vases:

Your fish died due to negligence and you have no time for plants either? Your empty fish bowl is perfect for an indoor water garden that needs very little maintenance. It’s all quite simple, find some Philodendrons (money plants and their varieties) and cut them a little below where new roots are sprouting and put them in bowl. That’s it! Change half the water when it looks murky and add some when it looks like it’s drying up. The more ambitious ones amongst us can try growing Lucky Bamboo, Umbrella Papyrus and Water Hyacinths (you can try putting some small fishes in there too). Fish bowls can also be used to grow Cacti, Succulents and Aloe Vera. Put in some soil, place your plant and cover with pretty pebbles. Your garden pot is ready.


Have an old birdcage or like how they look but don’t want a bird? Why not put a plant inside? Paint them bright with acrylic colours and layer the side upto 3 inches with some moss. Put in some soil and grow your favourite hanging plants! They look better with a few varieties of plants in one cage. A cute little fake bird perched in the cage will bring up the quirk quotient.

Furniture and Toilet Fixtures:

Pull out the drawers and mount them vertically on your garden wall and you will have more space for all the new planters you made! An old study table can be used to stack your garden supplies and the drawers pulled out can be used for starter plants (drawers can be closed shut in extreme weather). I once heard of a person who emptied out their bed, filled it up with soil and planted a whole vegetable garden in it! If a bed is too much, you can do that with an old Maharaja chair (or any other chair that has a cavity in the seat). Creepers like bitter gourd and cucumber look very pretty and can be balanced with okra, chillies and tomatoes. A broken bathtub or a sink can be used for growing flowers, herbs and vegetables and if the bathtub doesn’t leak you can grow lilies and lotus in it.

Pretty Planters (Medium) #CreativeHousehold, #Planters, #Recycling


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