300 BRM to Alwar (+20) and back

Dear Friends Greetings from TeamT3.
Here is the final BRM for the Session 2012-13, and the wait is over. Yes The gates are Open now
Starting From Gurgaon, cutting through the Biriyani Streets of Mewat district you would be riding to NUH-and further to Rajasthan and hit Alwar riding all along side the Raiway tracks connecting Gurgaon to Alwar and then turn back.
The Catch- all this has to be finished under 20 Hrs from the flag off time i.e 6 Am of 20th October.
The roads are well bitumined and is pretty much pothole free.
All those who finish under 20 Hrs would get a medal and Homologated Brevet card from ACP Paris.
The cost Brevet Participation = Rs 660/-
Medal = Rs 500/- or 10$
Action 1 -
Register here –
Action – 2
and Buy your ticket here -
Complete both actions to be able to participate in the Brevet.
We will not have any spot registrations.
Reiterating Brevets are not races and anybody doing it under 20 hrs is at par. So come see some country side , taste a Bit of Rajasthan,experience some best roads around and most importantly be our guest
Detailed instructions will reach the registered+paid Participants only
See you all
300 BRM to Alwar (+20) and back
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