Dainty Pretty Planters

In the last post (Latent Ladders) I promised we would talk about reusing everyday household objects as planters and here we are again! Technically anything hollow can be used as a planter (yes even a coconut!). However, some objects have something extra special about them that can transform an ordinary sapling into a conversational piece. The teacup bonsai and the fish-bowl water garden are so eye catching that you will want to display them centre-stage in your home. So here is a list of objects that can be used as planters to add that little something to make your gardens and rooms special!

Boots, Heels and Crocs:
Missing a shoe? Great! (As long as there is enough space for a handful of dirt) Crocs are perfect, they are super colourful, have inbuilt drainage and can be kept on a flat surface or hung from a string. They are great for growing plants that have very dark leaves or petunias for a pop of colour. Boots look rustic and are excellent for cacti and succulents (if you can grow mushrooms in them then you will definitely make some neighbours jealous). Heels are also good for succulents or you could just throw some wheat, moong or chickpea and watch them grow! Just remember not to grow herbs in them.

Soup Cans/Paint Cans and Takeaway Containers from the next door Dhaba:
Paint them all to go with your house or in different vibrant colours, cans and plastic containers are perfect for herbs, lettuce, tomatoes, chillies and all sorts of small flowering plants. They are easy to move around so you can move your delicate flowers and herbs inside when it gets too sunny. You can hang cans by using chains or strings by drilling two little holes near the top. Drill tiny holes in the base for better drainage.

Teacups, China Bowls, Lota and Coffee Mugs:
We all have quaint cups and bowls or quirky mugs which don’t belong in any set. Grow flowers, cacti, herbs, grasses and succulents in them and line them up on a shelf or a tabletop for a living display! If you are feeling ambitious you could even try growing a bonsai. These look so pretty by themselves that you can scatter them around the entire house for a hint of greenery.

Kid’s old toys:
I remember my friend’s kid brother had a little yellow truck from his Bob-the-builder phase. When he outgrew it his mother planted coriander and mint in it every season. You can cut out circles on the backs on hollow plastic animal figures and make a plant zoo. Even footballs and basketballs can be cut up and suspended. Doll heads from big dolls can be cut at the forehead and leafy, grassy plants grown for an unconventional (eerie) item in your garden.

Next up – Pretty Planters (MEDUIM)! If you liked this post and can’t wait to get your hands dirty then keep your eyes on this space and spread the word!

Dainty Pretty Planters #CreativeHousehold, #HomeDecor, #Planters, #Recycling


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