Vindaloo Paste Recipe - Very Goan, Somewhat Portuguese
Vindaloo Paste Recipe, Delicious Goan Vindaloo Paste Recipe
Vindaloo paste recipe is a really classic Goan curry paste recipe. The name vindaloo is derived from Portuguese dish called carne de vinha d’alhos (meat marinated in wine vinegar and garlic). By no means is the derivation of word vindaloo from potatoes or aloo which is a common perception especially in India.
Usually vindaloo paste is used to make Pork and Beef Vindaloo in Goa. However, you can also use it for meats like chicken and mutton. Vegetables like cauliflower, mushrooms, paneer or tofu, and even potatoes can be made with this paste. There is no limit to how creative you can get with it.
Notes: I am told that most Goan curry pastes use coconut or toddy vinegar and that can be difficult to come by unless you are in Goa or another coastal state. Consequently, I used white wine vinegar in the recipe since it was easier to find. In case it doesn’t suit you substitute it with tamarind pulp or even lemon juice. You can also add a few tablespoons of white rum to the paste, but that is very optional.
Check out the recipe below.
Indicatives for making Vindaloo Paste Recipe
- Preparation Time: 5 minutes
- Cooking time: 5 minutes
- Cooking Gizmos: Blender
- Servings: For 1 Kg of meat
Stuff you’ll need for Vindaloo Paste Recipe
what goes in? | what kinds? | how much? |
Dry Red Chilies | 15 No. | |
Ginger | 1.5 Inch | |
Garlic | 10 Cloves | |
Fenugreek Seeds | 1 Teaspoon | |
Cardamom | 2 No. | |
Cinnamon | 1.5 Inch | |
Black Pepper | 1/2 Teaspoon | |
Cumin Seeds | 1/2 Teaspoon | |
White Wine Vinegar | 5 Tablespoons | |
Turmeric Powder | 1/2 Teaspoon | |
Brown Sugar | 1 Teaspoon | |
Salt | 1 Teaspoon |
Process to make Vindaloo Paste Recipe
- First of all, get all ingredients together.
- Add everything to the blender and make a fine paste.
- Check seasoning. Correct if needed.
- Vindaloo paste is ready for your curries. Enjoy!
Vindaloo Paste
विंदालू मसाला बनाने के लिए कुछ मात्राएँ।
- तैयारी का समय: ५ मिनट
- पकाने/ बनाने का समय: ५ मिनट
- बनाने का बर्तन: मिक्सी
सामग्री विंदालू मसाला बनाने के लिए।
सामग्री | किस प्रकार की? | कितनी? |
खड़ी लाल मिर्च | १५ नग | |
अदरक | डेढ़ इंच | |
लहसुन | १० कलियाँ | |
मेथी के दाने | १ छोटा चमच | |
इलाइची | २ नग | |
दालचीनी | डेढ़ इंच | |
काली मिर्च | १ छोटा चमच | |
जीरा | १ छोटा चमच | |
सफ़ेद वाइन का सिरका | २ बड़े चमच | |
हल्दी | आधा छोटा चमच | |
चीनी | १ छोटा चमच | |
नमक | १ छोटा चमच |
विंदालू मसाला बनाने की विधि।
- सारी सामग्री बटोर लें।
- मिक्सी में डाल कर चला कर पेस्ट बना लें।
- नमक ठीक करें।
- विंदालू पेस्ट तयार है। स्वादिष्ट व्यंजन बनाएँ।
Vindaloo Paste Recipe - Very Goan, Somewhat Portuguese
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