Kiwi Salsa Recipe - Freshness Guaranteed

Kiwi Salsa Recipe; Freshness Guaranteed with this simplest salsa recipe

Kiwi fruit has a soft texture and a sweet but unique flavor. Did you know that Kiwi fruit is the national food of China. Although, China was not a major producing country of kiwifruit till recently, as it was traditionally collected from the wild. Kiwi fruit also has golden fresh in some of its varieties, though in India we usually get the ones with green flesh.

I decided to make Kiwifruit salsa as a filling for my leftover tandoori chicken burritos. The zingy taste of this salsa really elevated the taste to a greater level. So that’s how I created a Punjabi-Mexican connection over the weekend. You can use this salsa in burritos, with tacos or even eat it just like that.

Health Note: A single serving has almost three-times the recommended daily allowance for vitamin C. And a single kiwi has more potassium than a banana. Two kiwis contain more fiber than a bowl of bran cereal.

Tangy Kiwi Salsa Recipeकिवी साल्सा बनाने की विधि

Indicatives for making Kiwi Salsa

  • Preparation Time: 5 minutes

  • Cooking/ Assembling time: 5 minutes

  • Cooking Gizmos: Mixing Bowl

  • Servings: Good for 4 Burritos

Stuff you’ll need for Kiwi Salsa

what goes in?what kinds?how much?
Kiwi FruitChopped small4 No.
Red Bell PepperQuarter
Green Chillies2 No.
Fresh Coriander LeavesChopped2 Tablespoons
Lemon JuiceHalf of lemon
Smoked Salt1 Teaspoon

Process to make Kiwi Salsa

  1. First of all, get your ingredients together.

  2. Now, chop all vegetables in a quarter of an inch size and add to a mixing bowl.

  3. Add juice of half a lime and smoked salt.

  4. Mix well and you are done. Now just eat. 🙂

Visual Process for making Kiwi Salsa

किवी साल्सा बनाने के लिए कुछ मात्राएँ।

  • तैयारी का समय: ५ मिनट

  • पकाने/ बनाने का समय: ५ मिनट

  • बनाने का बर्तन: कटोरा

  • मात्राएँ: ४ बरीटो के लिए

सामग्री किवी साल्सा बनाने के लिए।

सामग्री किस प्रकार की?कितनी?
किवी फ़्रूटछोटा काट हुआ४ नग
लाल शिमला मिर्चएक चोथाई
हरी मिर्च२ नग
हरा धनियाछोटा काट हुआ१ बड़े चमच
नामक१ छोटा चमच
निम्बू का रसआधा निम्बू

किवी साल्सा बनाने की विधि।

  1. सारी सामग्री बटोर लें।

  2. सारी सब्ज़ियों को छोटा काट लें।

  3. निम्बो का रस और नमक डाल के अच्छे से मिला लें।

  4. चाव से खा लें।

इन तस्वीरों को देख कर आप किवी साल्सा घर पे आसानी से बना सकते हें।

Kiwi Salsa Recipe - Freshness Guaranteed


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