Puneeth’s last rites to be performed after his daughter’s return

The entire state of Karnataka is currently in deep mourning as it tries to process the sudden and very tragic passing of one of its most beloved people, Puneeth Rajkumar. The top officials have been ensuring that the proceedings take place without any damage and have been constantly imploring the general public and the many million fans to maintain decorum in these tough times.
Now, according to IANS, Puneeth Rajkumar’s last rites are to be performed upon the return of his daughter, Vanditha, from the United States of America. Karnataka’s revenue minister, R. Ashok stated that the rites will be performed with full government honors on Saturday, right next to the grave of Puneeth’s late father, Dr. Rajkumar (as per other sources).
Needless to state, the news of the demise has sent shock waves across the entire nation as condolences come pouring in from everywhere. From P.M. Modi to Puneeth Rajkumar’s close associates and colleagues, the digital space is only swamped with messages of grief – Puneeth’s older brother Raghavendra Rajkumar was quoted saying to IANS: “He got the pacemaker for me. He brought me back from the hospital safely. But I could not bring him back. He went to see my parents”. Puneeth Rajkumar’s wife, Ashwini, has been inconsolable ever since the tragedy struck and is currently not in a position to talk.
The mortal remains of Puneeth Rajkumar were carried to his residence first and then later scheduled to be taken over to the Kantheerava stadium for the public to pay its respects. The government is ensuring that all the arrangements are carried out properly so as to not endure the same incidents that occurred during the passing of Dr. Rajkumar, wherein seven people were shot dead in the large-scale violence triggered during the time. Credit Source – https://ift.tt/3vX9Ozj
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