No relief yet, air ‘very poor’ for 6th day in a row

Gurgaon: The air quality in Gurgaon remained in the ‘very poor’ category for the sixth consecutive day on Saturday as residents continued to suffer from the high levels of pollution. The AQI increased to 345 on Saturday from 324 on Friday.
However, an official with the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said there might be some relief in the coming days, thanks to strong surface winds that would prevail from Sunday, dispersing toxic pollutants.
“Currently, the high moisture content, along with calm winds, is stopping the effective dispersal of pollutants. Surface winds are likely to pick up speed from Sunday. The northwesterly winds, which will continue the same way for the next few days, along with the strong surface winds, would help to disperse pollutants. AQI is likely to settle in the ‘poor’ or even ‘moderate’ category in the next few days,” the IMD official said.
On Saturday, all the monitoring stations in the city registered air quality in the ‘very poor’ category. At Gwalpahari, the AQI was 326 and at Sector 51, it was 347. Meanwhile, Teri Gram registered an AQI of 358 and Vikas Sadan registered an AQI of 360. An official with the Haryana State Pollution Control Board said unfavourable meteorological conditions were responsible for the air quality remaining in the ‘very poor’ category.
Meanwhile, Delhi’s overall AQI on Saturday was 374 in the ‘very poor’ category, despite the share of stubble burning in PM2.5 being just 5%. The air quality early warning system said the air could improve to ‘poor’ or ‘moderate’ on Monday and Tuesday.
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