Construction nod to small sites, but not at hotspots


By Times of India – Construction nod to small sites, but not at hotspots Gurgaon: All small domestic and industrial construction sites that require not more 10 workers, who all stay at the site itself, have been permitted to restart work, the district administration announced on Sunday. These projects will not need to seek permission. The relaxation doesn’t apply to containment zones. It has been mandated that these construction sites comply with the safety protocols on sanitisation and social distancing issued by the Union home ministry. “These relaxations are only for sites in non-containment areas. The work here can be resumed provided that the workers engaged in construction work live on the same construction site and there is no need to bring workers from outside. Further, those overlooking the work in these sites have to ensure that workers keep sufficient distance between each other, don protective gears like masks, and follow all the rules of safety,” said an administration official. The relaxation provided by the Gurgaon administration comes after the state government directed the administrations of all 22 districts to comply with the guidelines of the ministry of home affairs (MHA) on the staggered opening of construction activities. “No permission will be required for small residential/ industrial construction sites employing up to 10 workers only within the limit of municipal corporations, municipalities and rural areas where the workers are available on the site and no workers are required to be brought in from outside (i.e in-situ), subjected to Standard Operating Procedure w.r.t social distancing, sanitization etc. as stipulated in Anneure-II of the ministry of home affairs, government of India order dated 15.04.2020 (sic),” reads the letter issued by the labour department to all the district magistrates. The administration will be tasked with inspection of these sites to ensure that the contractors and the workers are not violating social distancing and preventive care guidelines. DownloadThe Times of India News App for Latest City NewsSubscribeStart Your Daily Mornings with Times of India Newspaper! Order Now

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