Cable fault triggers short circuit, no power for 3hrs in Civil Hosp

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Gurgaon: A short-circuit triggered power disruption at Civil Hospital at Sector 10 for more than three hours on Monday, affecting services at out-patient clinics and admission of critical patients. Services at the emergency unit and gynaecology wards resumed in a phased manner between 11am and 12 noon after the supply was restored by drawing a cable from the main supply line, according to doctors.
“Around 8.30am, we heard blasts. The power supply got cut immediately. We informed the technical support department,” said a nurse at the hospital. Another nurse said, “We got a temporary supply which was drawn from the main power line. The emergency department and some wards got power connection, but as there can’t be too much load on this line, several other departments have not got power supply.”
A senior doctor at the hospital, however, said there was no major disruption. All patients admitted to the hospital for surgery were attended to carefully. Manish Rathee, deputy medical superintendent of the hospital, said, “As some of the power lines were replaced by the PWD because of shifting of CT-MRI machine, a fault occurred in one of these lines. This led to a short-circuit in the morning. The supply was disrupted in OPD for a few hours. We got the power completely restored at 12.30 pm. No planned surgeries were affected.”
Patients coming to the OPD clinics on Monday were turned away at the gate as there was no power. Also, computers for registration of OPD patients were not functioning due to disruption in the supply.
As of now, 500 patients have been admitted to the hospital. Also, over 2,000 patients visit its OPD every day. Several patients had to return on Monday as the OPD services were hit.


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