Lessons via tabs in Haryana: Tests soon to analyse learning levels

GURGAON: As the academic session resumes this week, the secondary education department will now roll out dedicated learning programmes via tablet devices that were distributed to the students in May. And based on the analytical data points gathered through benchmarking tests, learning will be promoted through gamification of the devices, such as quiz-based tests and behavioural nudge intervention, officials have said.
In fact, the secondary education department will soon be conducting the first round of diagnostic and benchmarking tests to analyse the learning levels, trends among students pertaining to interests in subjects, and usage patterns of the devices among the teachers and the students. Taking into consideration the findings, the department will prepare data analytical points to further guide the effective usage of the devices to bridge learning gaps and increase core competencies in different subjects.
“Through these tests, we’ll get the analytical data points on the current status of learning levels. It will serve as the benchmark for the department and the achievements through various interventions that we have planned will be evaluated accordingly,” Haryana secondary education director J Ganesan told TOI.
“During the summer break, we have completed the teachers’ training and other essentialities of rolling learning via tablets programme. The idea is to make learning interactive and gamification would help generate and retain student interest in learning,” he said.
“Moreover, we will be tracking the use patterns among the students and the teachers. If we notice that a student or a teacher is focusing more on one subject and ignoring the other, we’ll use a centralised nudging strategy where the device will prompt the user to spend time on the ignored subjects.”
To ensure that the planning of such novel measures is implemented in letter and spirit, the department is setting up a dedicated centralised unit for monitoring and supervision. The department plans to set up a project implementation unit that will consist of technological experts. “We are in talks with the government to help us set up this unit consisting of experts. This will help us ensure that we are in touch with every student and teacher and their activities,” another official said.
Besides laying down the plans for promoting digital learning, the department also claims to have made these tablets distributed under the e-Adhigam scheme reset-proof to avoid their usage for any purposes .
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