
Showing posts from March, 2022

Randhir Kapoor Speaks Out: I have NO dementia

There has been a lot of talk on Randhir Kapoor’s health after Ranbir Kapoor told a channel that his uncle Randhir Kapoor is in early dementia. The statement has taken every fan of Raj Kapoor’s family with worry. We at ETimes called up Randhir Kapoor this evening. Randhir denied it outright and assertively and emphatically said that he’s fine. Here is our conversation with Mr Randhir Kapoor: Ranbir Kapoor has said in a recent interview that you are in early dementia… (Laughs) Aisa kuch nahi hua. Not at all. I am perfectly fine. I just had COVID sometime ago (in April 2021). Then how did Ranbir say it? (Ranbir’s statement: “My uncle Randhir Kapoor, who is going through an early stage of dementia, and he came to me after the film, said, ‘Tell dad that he is amazing, and where is he, let’s call him’) Ranbir ki marzi; he is entitled to say what he wants. He said that after watching ‘Sharmaji Namkeen’, you enquired about the whereabouts of Rishi Kapoor and asked to call him… I n...

समाधि की तरफ लघुशंका करने पर की थी पुजारी की हत्या

ख़बर सुनें गुरुग्राम। गांव कादरपुर में मोहन राम मंदिर में रहने वाले पुजारी की समाधि की ओर लघुशंका करने पर धारदार हथियार से गला काटकर हत्या की गई थी। अपराध शाखा सेक्टर-40 और थाना सेक्टर-65 की पुलिस ने 20 वर्षीय युवक को गिरफ्तार कर हत्या का खुलासा किया है। पुलिस ने वारदात में प्रयुक्त हथियार भी बरामद किया है। सीसीटीवी कैमरे की मदद से पुलिस आरोपी तक पहुंची। विज्ञापन एसीपी क्राइम प्रीतपाल सांगवान ने बताया कि पकड़ा गया आरोपी चमन निवासी रतनपुर ढाणी, कादरपुर (गुरुग्राम) है। पुलिस पूछताछ में आरोपी ने बताया कि उसके ताऊ की समाधि बाबा मोहन राम मंदिर के पास है। 29 मार्च 2022 को चमन समाधि पर साफ-सफाई कर रहा था। पुजारी गोविंद दास समाधि की ओर खड़े होकर लघुशंका करने लगा। आरोपी और पुजारी में इसको लेकर विवाद हो गया। गाली-गलौज तक मामला पहुंच गया। रंजिश में बदला लेने के लिए आरोपी ने रात करीब 11 बजे मंदिर में सो रहे पुजारी की पेड़ काटने वाले धारदार हथियार से गर्दन पर वार कर हत्या कर दी। इसके बाद कंबल डालकर वहां से भाग गया। पुलिस टीम ने हथियार बरामद कर लिया है। सीसीटीवी से पकड़ा गया आरोपी पुलिस के...

Toll Tax Rate: कार की सवारी, जेब पर पड़ेगी भारी, बढ़ी टोल दरें बिगाडे़ंगी बजट

कुमार प्रवीण, अमर उजाला, गुरुग्राम Published by: शाहरुख खान Updated Thu, 31 Mar 2022 07:56 AM IST सार आम आदमी को एक और महंगाई का आज से झटका लगेगा। टोल दरें कार चालकों के महीने का बजट बिगाड़ेंगी। कार चालकों पर 600 रुपये महीने का अतिरिक्त बोझ पड़ेगा। साथ ही  40 यात्राओं के पास के लिए भी 110 रुपये ज्यादा देने होंगे। ख़बर सुनें विस्तार कार की सवारी एक अप्रैल से जेब पर भारी पड़ने वाली है। पेट्रोल-डीजल, सीएनजी के बाद अब बढ़ी टोल दरें कार चालकों के महीने का बजट बिगाड़ेंगी। दिल्ली या गुरुग्राम से मानेसर आईएमटी और उससे आगे (हरियाणा-राजस्थान बॉर्डर तक) जाने के लिए एक कार सवार को महीने के 600 रुपये अतिरिक्त खर्च करने होंगे।  विज्ञापन 30 दिन के लिए 40 यात्राओं का मासिक पास इस्तेमाल करने वालों की जेब पर भी 110 रुपये का अतिरिक्त भार पड़ेगा। टोल रखरखाव कंपनियों की सिफारिश पर एनएचएआई ने बुधवार को टोल की बढ़ी दरें घोषित कर दीं। ये 31 मार्च रात 12 बजे के बाद से लागू होंगी।  बढ़ी टोल दरों का सबसे अधिक असर दिल्ली-गुरुग्राम एक्सप्रेस-वे पर सफर करने वालों पर पड़ेगा। यहां खेड़...

Godrej executive dragged out of car, beaten up in Gurugram

GURUGRAM: The associate vice-president of Godrej Properties was allegedly dragged out of his car and attacked with sticks and rods by a dozen men near Star Mall. He was allegedly threatened against disrupting the work of one “Ravi Yadav”. Although the incident took place on March 25, the senior official approached police only on Wednesday. He told the cops he was driving home around 9.30pm that day when a Honda City intercepted his car near the mall. Three men stepped out of the car and signalled him to roll down the windows. Before he could step on the accelerator, four bikes screeched to a halt in front of his car. “They smashed my car windows and dragged me out. Then they attacked me with sticks and rods,” the senior executive said in the complaint. The official was then pushed into the Honda City and driven for around 50-60 metres. “They kept saying that if I come in between Ravi Yadav’s work, they will kill me. They said that repeatedly before throwing me out,” the complaint r...

गुरुग्राम: मंदिर पहुंचे श्रद्धालु ने कंबल हटाकर देखा तो उड़ गए होश, मिला पुजारी का सिर कटा शव

अमर उजाला नेटवर्क, गुरुग्राम Published by: पूजा त्रिपाठी Updated Wed, 30 Mar 2022 12:13 PM IST सार मृतक पुजारी उत्तराखंड का मूल निवासी है। बताया जा रहा है कि कुछ अज्ञात लोगों ने हत्या को अंजाम दिया है। पुलिस मामले की जांच में जुटी है। ख़बर सुनें विस्तार गुरुग्राम के सेक्टर-65 में बुधवार सुबह उस वक्त सनसनी मच गई जब एक मंदिर के पुजारी की नृशंस हत्या की खबर पूरे इलाके में फैल गई। घटना की सूचना पुलिस को दी गई जिसके बाद एक टीम मौके पर पहुंची और मामले की जांच शुरू कर दी है। विज्ञापन पुलिस से अब तक मिली जानकारी के अनुसार गुरुग्राम सेक्टर-65 के कादरपुर इलाके में स्थित एक मंदिर के पुजारी की गला रेतकर हत्या कर दी गई। पुजारी मंदिर परिसर में ही रहते थे। बताया जा रहा है कि यह पुजारी 34 साल से इसी मंदिर की सेवा में लगे थे। मृतक पुजारी उत्तराखंड का मूल निवासी हैं। बताया जा रहा है कि कुछ अज्ञात लोगों ने हत्या को अंजाम दिया है। पुलिस मामले की जांच में जुटी है। ये है पूरा मामला बुधवार सुबह जब गांव का ही रहने वाला अजय मंदिर में पहुंचा तो उसने देखा कि मंदिर के सामने तख्त पर पुजारी बाबा...

Haryana: Bus set on fire as protest outside Manesar factory turns violent

GURUGRAM: A protest by a group of workers of an automobile component manufacturing company in Manesar turned violent on Tuesday after police intervened. The workers pelted the company’s buses with stones and set one of the vehicles on fire. By late evening, 124 employees of JNS Instruments Ltd had been arrested. They included about 70 women. The workers, sources said, had been protesting outside the company’s gate for the past few months after nine women were transferred to a unit in Bhiwadi following calls for a union in the factory. A few days ago, the district administration had even imposed Section 144 CrPC, which bars the assembly of more than five persons. Around 5.45am on Tuesday, a group of workers staged a sit-in outside the gate and stopped employees from entering the premises for the morning shift. The company management then lodged a written complaint with the police. The company, in its complaint, claimed it had transferred the nine women to its Bhiwadi unit in Novemb...

अंगदान: एक युवक के अंगों से रोशन होगी आठ लोगों की जिंदगी, 13 मिनट में तय की 19 किलोमीटर की दूरी

सार गुरुग्राम से दिल्ली के इंदिरा गांधी अंतरराष्ट्रीय हवाई अड्डे तक ग्रीन कॉरिडोर बनाया गया। गुरुग्राम स्थित आर्टेमिस अस्पताल से बने इस कॉरिडोर की मदद से एक 25 वर्षीय ब्रेन डेड युवक के अंगों को ले जाया गया। ब्रेन डेड युवक के परिजनों ने अंगदान की स्वीकृति दी जिसके बाद आठ लोगों की जान बचाई जा सकी।  ख़बर सुनें विस्तार गुरुग्राम यातायात पुलिस ने मंगलवार सुबह करीब सवा सात बजे हृदय जयपुर और फेफड़ा व आंख हैदराबाद तक पहुंचाने के लिए सिरहौल टोल तक 19 किलोमीटर का सफर 13 मिनट में तय किया। जहां से दिल्ली पुलिस की टीम इसे एयरपोर्ट तक ले गई। ग्रीन कॉरिडोर बनाकर इस काम को अंजाम दिया गया।  विज्ञापन इसके लिए एक एसीपी, चार ट्रैफिक इंस्पेक्टर और करीब 55 जवानों को तैनात किया गया था। इस दौरान ट्रैफिक रोका गया और कट व यूटर्न बंद कर दिए गए। सड़क हादसे में घायल होने के बाद ब्रेन डेड घोषित किए गए युवक के विभिन्न अंगों से आठ लोगों की जिंदगी रोशन होगी।   अस्पताल से मिली जानकारी के मुताबिक, गुरुग्राम निवासी एक 25 वर्षीय युवक सड़क हादसे में घायल हो गया था। उसे आर्टेमिस अस्पताल में ब्रे...

Citadel: Varun hints at OTT debut with Priyanka

Bollywood star Varun Dhawan says he will make his debut on the OTT platform with a “big” show. Amidst media reports about the 34-year-old actor foraying into the digital medium with the Indian spin-off of the action-packed American spy series ‘Citadel’ starring Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden, Dhawan teased his OTT debut. “I love it (the platform). Something big and interesting is coming. But it won’t be released this year. I am excited about it,” Dhawan said, without divulging details. Priyanka was filming for the series in London. The production is being directed by ‘Avengers: Endgame’ filmmakers Joe and Anthony Russo. On the film front, the actor has two releases – ‘Jug Jugg Jeeyo’, a comedy-drama with Anil Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor and Kiara Advani and comedy-horror ‘Bhediya’, directed by ‘Stree’ director Amar Kaushik. Both the films are slated to release this year. Dhawan said while he is excited about the release of his films, the pandemic has made him realize that life is n...

Delink electricity fee from common area & other maintenance charges, says HERC

Gurgaon: In what could have a bearing on other group housing societies in the city, the Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission (HERC), in its recent order, gave relief to a resident of Uniworld Garden 2 in Sector 47, who approached the authority for delinking electricity charges recovered through pre-paid energy meters from other charges, including common area maintenance (CAM). In July 2020, resident Naresh Kumar Jindal filed a complaint to the consumer grievance redressal forum (CGRF) against non-compliance with the HERC single-point supply provisions by the RWA and the developer of the group housing society. The CGRF passed an order in November 2021, directing the RWA and Unitech Realty Pvt Ltd to immediately stop the recovery of CAM and other non-electricity charges through pre-paid energy meters. It also said that if residents continued to pay their electricity dues, their power supply should not be cut off for non-payment of CAM or other charges. The RWA and Unitech were ord...

हड़ताली कर्मचारियों ने बस में आग लगाई

ख़बर सुनें गुरुग्राम। मानेसर इंडस्ट्रियल एरिया के सेक्टर तीन स्थित एक निजी कंपनी के बाहर धरने पर बैठे प्रदर्शनकारियों ने दो बसों में तोड़फोड़ कर एक बस में आग लगा दी। आरोप है कि ये आग दो दिवसीय हड़ताल पर बैठे कुछ कर्मियों ने लगाई है। निजी कंपनी के बाहर प्रदर्शन कर रहे इन लोगों की प्रबंधन से कुछ मुद्दों को लेकर असहमति है, इसलिए यहां धरना हो रहा था। विज्ञापन इलाके में धारा 144 लागू होने के बाद भी कर्मियों ने न सिर्फ प्रदर्शन किया, बल्कि उन्होंने बसों में तोड़फोड़ करने के बाद आग भी लगा दी। इस दौरान सड़क पर कुछ देर के लिए पथराव भी हुआ। जिससे राहगीरों में दहशत हो गई। ये बसें एक निजी कंपनी की बताई जा रही है, जो कर्मियों के आवागमन के लिए आई थी। यही नहीं प्रदर्शनकारियों पर सुबह अन्य कर्मियों को ड्यूटी पर जाने से रोकने का भी आरोप है। पुलिस ने कुछ प्रदर्शनकारियों को हिरासत में लेकर पूछताछ शुरू कर दी है। अभी तक रिपोर्ट दर्ज नहीं हुई है। इससे पहले सुबह दो दिवसीय हड़ताल पर बैठे इन कर्मचारियों ने दोपहर बाद तक कंपनी के गेट पर जोरदार प्रदर्शन किया। इसकी सूचना पुलिस को भी दी गई। ड्यूटी मजिस्ट्रे...

Vicky posts 1st pic from his vacay with Kat

Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif, who tied the knot last year in December, recently jetted off to an undisclosed location for a quick getaway. On Tuesday evening, Vicky took to Instagram and gave a glimpse of their dreamy vacay. The actor shared the picture on his Instagram story. The picture shows beautiful shades of nature with sunset, mountains, greenery and blue waters. Have a look: Well, on the other hand, fans of VicKat are eagerly waiting for them to post a mushy picture. Recently, Vicky and Katrina set the internet on fire as they made their first red carpet appearance after their wedding. The couple looked stunning as they graced Apoorva Mehta’s birthday party. Vicky also posted an adorable picture of Katrina and his mother Veena Kaushal on the occasion of International Women’s Day. Along with the picture, he wrote, “My strength. My world. ” His mom was seen hugging Katrina as they posed for the picture. On the work front, Vicky will be soon seen in ‘Govinda Naam Mera’ an...

Ranbir will have different avatar in Animal: Bhushan Kumar

Bhushan Kumar is one of the busiest producers in town but the movie moghul took out precious time to speak to ETimes about his forthcoming projects like ‘Animal’ with Ranbir Kapoor and ‘Mogul’ with Aamir Khan. Not just that, Bhushan also gave his opinions on his recent release ‘Jhund’ with Amitabh Bachchan not getting tax-free status. Excerpts: When can we expect an announcement on ‘Mogul’ with Aamir Khan? Aamir Khan has already announced the film and the fact that he’s doing the film. It’s a film based on my father, Gulshan Kumar’s life and I am in no hurry to get it made. This is not a business proposal and I have said this time and again, this film will get made. But we are waiting for the right time to get started. Aamir is busy with the completion and release of ‘Laal Singh Chadha’, which got delayed due to the pandemic. But now that things are coming back to normal, we are aiming to start the film by 2023. ‘Mogul’ is not just a film but a dream that I have to realise for my fa...

Goa, Shimla trip offers for bulk change cases hint at scam; 6 held

JIND: Six arrests in Jind, Hisar and Fatehabad districts of Haryana for alleged illegalities around making of changes in the Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP), a unique identity card scheme of Haryana government mandatory to avail benefits of social security schemes, has raised serious privacy concerns and the whiff of a scam. Local PPP operators, who have authority to create the eight-digit family IDs, are allegedly offering tours packages to Goa, Chandigarh and Shimla as well as cash-back offers to those who provide bulk cases of making changes in income, member deletion, caste, occupation, date of birth and other categories in the PPP. Teams from two districts of Haryana, including Jind and Fatehabad, are probing the PPP scam. Officials said that local PPP operators under the Citizen Resource Information Department (CRID) running a common service centre (CSC) were found involved in this illegal activity. Messages had been making rounds in various social media groups of some operators a...

A carnival of art & culture, Saras Mela returns to city after 9 years

Gurgaon: Saras Mela, an annual art and craft fair, is set to return to Gurgaon after nine years. The 12-day long ‘mela’ will be held from April 9 to 20 at the Haryana Shahari Vikas Pradhikaran (HSVP) ground in Sector 29. On the lines of the Surajkund mela, ‘Saras Mela’ will have cultural events and stalls promoting art and handicraft. The last ‘Saras Mela’ was held in 2013 after which the BJP government merged it with the ‘Geeta Mahotsav’ in Kurukshetra. The District Rural Development Authority (DRDA) kicked off the ‘Saras Mela’ in Gurgaon in 2005. It became a huge success and sales increased from a mere Rs 40 lakh in 2005 to Rs 2.5 crore in 2013. In 2014, the BJP formed its government with a full majority and started an ambitious event, ‘Geeta Mahotsav’ in the historic city of Kurukshetra to promote cultural heritage. The ‘Saras Mela’ was also shifted to Kurukshetra from Gurgaon and merged with ‘Geeta Mahotsav’ to make the latter a popular event. Before Covid-19, the state governm...

Local manufacturing of 35 APIs started after PLI scheme: Mandaviya

Manufacturing of 35 active pharmaceutical ingredients, which have been imported earlier, has started in India under the production linked scheme for the pharmaceuticals sector, Union minister Mansukh Mandaviya said on Tuesday. These 35 active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are among the 53 APIs, for which India has 90 per cent import dependence. “The 35 APIs are being manufactured from 32 different manufacturing plants. This will give a boost to AatmaNirbhar Bharat,” Mandaviya, the Minister of Health & Family Welfare and Chemical and Fertilisers, told reporters here. This would lead to reduction in import dependence of the key raw materials used for producing medicines, he added. He said there has been a good response from the pharma industry to the PLI scheme and manufacturing of the other APIs is also expected to start in India in due course of time. Last year, the government had announced the Rs 15,000 crore PLI scheme for the pharmaceutical sector and 55 companies, incl...

Ranveer: RRR is beating Bollywood at box office

Bollywood superstar Ranveer Singh added some glitz and glamour to the Dubai Expo when he joined Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur to discuss ‘The Global Reach of Indian Media & Entertainment Industry’. Impossible to miss in his bright red sherwani, the actor created quite the fan-frenzy as he arrived at the venue for the interactive session. The actor made the paparazzi click-happy when he stopped to pose for photos outside the venue and even waved to the fans gathered outside. #4 Ranveer Singh at Expo 2020 greeting his fans in Dubai #Expo2020 — Ranveerians Worldwide (@RanveeriansFC) 1648477482000 #3 Ranveer Singh with @ianuragthakur at Expo 2020 in Dubai #Expo2020 — Ranveerians Worldwide (@RanveeriansFC) 1648476923000 I&B Minister @ianuragthakur and Actor @RanveerOfficial before attending a session on ‘Taking India’s media and ente… — All India R...

Gurugram: Door-to-door vax for 12-14 planned in summer break

Gurgaon: The health department is planning to organise a door-to-door Covid-19 vaccination drive for teenagers in the 12-14 age group in the city during the summer holidays, an official said on Monday. So far, 34% of the children in this age group have received the first dose of Corbevax since the vaccination for them began on March 16. Around 56,000 teens in this age group in the city are yet to take the jab against Covid-19. “We have already reached out to all schools. We are gathering area-wise data so that we can conduct the vaccination drive where maximum recipients are unvaccinated in this category,” said Gurgaon chief medical officer Virender Yadav. Summer vacations normally begin around May and go on till late June-early July. The CMO said that on Monday that authorities will also focus in slum areas to ensure all children in the age group are vaccinated. India-made Corbevax, manufactured by Biological E, is the only vaccine used for this age group. Two doses of the vaccine ...

Minor abducted at gunpoint & raped in Gurugram

GURUGRAM: A 34-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly abducting and raping a 16-year-old girl from the his neighbourhood in Manesar. Police said on Monday that the minor stepped out of her house for some work on Saturday evening when the accused abducted her at gunpoint, took her to a house and violated her. According to a police officer, the man followed her on his bike and abducted the girl at gunpoint from an isolated place. She was taken to a room in Bhora Kalan village in Manesar area and then raped, the police officer said. “When she tried to resist, she was attacked. The girl sufferd injuries on her neck and face. After the sexual assault, the accused left the minor at Manesar bus stand and fled the spot,” the officer added. The girl borrowed a phone from a commuter and informed her parents about her location. The parents who had been searching for the minor rushed to the bus stand and brought her home. She narrated her ordeal to her parents, following which they file...

Bobby Deol: Hope to be working at dad’s age

Actor Bobby Deol, who has reinvented himself in the digital space, and quickly adapted to the changing times in cinema, says that his inspiration continues to be his father Dharmendra, who loves facing the camera even at the age of 86. The veteran actor will be seen sharing screen space with Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt in Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani, which also features Jaya Bachchan and Shabana Azmi. The Karan Johar directorial will see Dharmendra play a pivotal role. Bobby says, “I am so happy for my dad. He told me that he never thought he would be working at this age and yet, he got cast in such a big film by a renowned banner. Like my dad, I hope to be working when I am his age.” Talking about his father’s enthusiasm towards his job, Bobby adds, “He is like a child. Dad is so dedicated and has that fire to keep working. He would keep sending us (family members) pictures and videos and share his plans on how he was to portray his character in the film. He has achieved so much...

Will slaps Chris at Oscars; Twitter reacts

A 94th Academy Awards that steadily maintained a buoyant spirit was rocked by an unbelievable exchange after Will Smith took offense to a joke made by Chris Rock about his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith. Rock made a joke about the hairstyle of Smith’s wife Jada Pinkett Smith that referenced the movie “G.I. Jane” in which actress Demi Moore shaved her head. Smith, who is nominated for best actor for “King Richard,” walked on stage and slapped Rock in what at first appeared to be a scripted joke. But the mood turned somber moments later when Smith, back in his seat, shouted back, “Keep my wife’s name out of your fu****g mouth.” The moment shocked the Dolby Theatre audience and viewers at home. At the commercial break, presenter Daniel Kaluuya came up to to hug Smith, and Denzel Washington escorted him to the side of the stage. The two talked and hugged and Tyler Perry came over to talk as well. Fans took to Twitter to share their shock over the heated exchange which some guessed was stag...

Oscars 2022: Updates from the 94th Academy Awards

Oscars 2022 Live updates: Will Smith, Jessica Chastain and CODA wins top honors The 94th Academy Awards concluded with Will Smith, Jessica Chastain and team CODA taking home the top honors. Held at the Dolby Theatre in LA, the ceremony was hosted by Wanda Sykes, Amy Schumer and Regina Hall. Read Less THE TIMES OF INDIA | Mar 28, 2022, 09:17:11 IST Facebook Twitter Linkedin EMail Credit Source – The post Oscars 2022: Updates from the 94th Academy Awards appeared first on Stay in Gurgaon .

Gurugram: Revamp of MG Road to Huda City Centre green belt soon?

Gurgaon: The green belt between MG Road and Huda City Centre will soon undergo a major makeover, with the Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) planning to beautify and redevelop the 2km stretch, including its median and the sections falling alongside the road. Currently abandoned and littered with solid waste, the turn near MG Road while moving towards Iffco Chowk or Huda City Centre will soon be cleared and transformed it into a “mini-park” equipped with benches and walking tracks, officials said. “Our aim is to beautify the stretch. Since the plot has a considerable width, we will develop it into a small park where people can take walks or sit down,” Subhash Chander Yadav, additional CEO, urban environment division, said. In addition, officials said a “depression zone” will also come up along the stretch in the green belt between IFFCO Chowk metro station and Max hospital to catch rainwater run-off. “We had already created a depression area at the location last yea...

Guard booked for harassing 30-year-old in Gurugram

The accused guard has been identified as 25-year-old Vishal. (Representative image) GURUGRAM: A security guard in a housing society in Sector 81 has been booked for allegedly harassing a 30-year-old woman. The woman alleged that on March 21, she had stepped out for a walk in the compound when the guard stopped her and started asking “uncomfortable questions”. The guard allegedly asked her when she would get married and other such “personal” questions. “He was talking on inappropriate topics like marriage and asked if I would like to exercise in the park. He also said he would teach me stretching,” the woman has mentioned in the complaint. The woman said when she looked around and found no one who could help, she ran to her flat and informed her parents. “I felt very uncomfortable,” she said. The accused guard has been identified as 25-year-old Vishal. An FIR has been registered at Kherki Daula police station against him under Section 354A (sexual harassment) of the Indian P...

पीजी के कमरे में लगी आग, दमकल ने पाया काबू

ख़बर सुनें बादशाहपुर। बादशाहपुर में एकता अस्पताल के पास रविवार शाम को पीजी के कमरे में आग लग गई। धुआं निकलता देखकर लोगों ने शोर मचाया। केयर टेकर आग बुझाने में जुट गए और मामले की सूचना दमकल विभाग को दी। दमकल विभाग ने मौके पर पहुंचकर आग पर काबू पाया। कमरे में प्रेस का स्विच ऑन रह गया था, जिससे आग लगी। जानकारी के मुताबिक, एकता अस्पताल के पास रॉयल नाम से एक पीजी है। चार मंजिला बिल्डिंग में 48 कमरे बने हुए हैं। रविवार को ग्राउंड फ्लोर पर एक कमरे में अचानक आग लग गई। ग्राउंड फ्लोर पर धुआं भर गया। धुआं निकलता देखकर केयर टेकर और पीजी में रहने वाले अन्य लोग आग बुझाने में जुट गए। सूचना पर दमकल की गाड़ियां भी मौके पर पहुंची। केयर टेकर साहिल ने बताया कि उन्हें दूसरे कमरे में रह रहे युवक ने बताया कि पीजी के कमरा नंबर 106 में से धुआं निकल रहा है। कमरे में रखा टीवी ,बेड और अलमारी समेत सारा सामान जल गया। कमरे में प्रेस ऑन छोड़कर युवक बाहर चला गया था। जिसके कमरे में आग लगी थी। उपनिदेशक फायर गुलशन कालरा ने बताया कि आग से कोई जनहानि नहीं हुई है। विज्ञापन Credit Source – The...

शॉट सर्किट से फैक्टरी में लगी भीषण आग

ख़बर सुनें गुरुग्राम। आईएमटी मानेसर थाना क्षेत्र में पिछले काफी समय से बंद एक फर्नीचर बनाने वाली फैक्टरी में रविवार रात को अचानक आग लग गई। देखते ही देखते आग तेजी से फैल गई। दमकल कर्मी, स्थानीय पुलिस और सिविल डिफेंस की टीम मौके पर पहुंची। कड़ी मशक्कत कर देर रात आग पर काबू पाया जा सका। विज्ञापन दमकल विभाग के मुताबिक, आईएमटी मानेसर सेक्टर 4 के प्लाट नंबर 99 में लिटिल नैप डिजाइन प्राइवेट लिमिटेड के नाम से फर्नीचर बनाने की एक फैक्टरी है। रविवार रात करीब 8.30 बजे फैक्टरी में आग लग गयी। देखते ही देखते आग भड़क गई। फैक्टरी कर्मियों ने आग को काबू करने का प्रयास किया लेकिन आग फैल गयी। सूचना पर दमकल की कई गाड़ियां मौके पर पहुंची। उपनिदेशक फायर गुलशन कालरा ने बताया कि शार्ट सर्किट से आग लगने का अंदेशा है। आग से कोई जनहानि नहीं हुई है। Credit Source – The post शॉट सर्किट से फैक्टरी में लगी भीषण आग appeared first on Stay in Gurgaon .

‘Was not taken seriously in South film industry’

Raashii Khanna is basking in the success of her first Hindi web series ‘Rudra: The Edge of Darkness’, co-starring Ajay Devgn. The actress will soon rub shoulders with Sidharth Malhotra and Disha Patani in Dharma Productions’ ‘Yodha’. But unlike popular perception, ‘Yodha’ isn’t her Bollywood debut. Raashii first appeared on the big screen alongside John Abraham in ‘Madras Café’ in 2013 and delivered a convincing role as Major Vikram Singh’s wife, Ruby Singh. After a smooth Bollywood debut, Raashii jumped straight to foray into the South film industry and tasted instant success with her critically acclaimed Tollywood debut ‘Oohalu Gusagusalade’, co-starring Naga Saurya. And then there was no looking back as she went on to work with some of the biggest names in the industry. In this week’s Big Interview, the 31-year-old actress opens up about her secret to success in her acting career, returning to Bollywood after almost 9 years, her experience in the South industry, handling criticis...

Aster DM Healthcare to invest Rs 500 crore to set up healthcare facilities in Tamil Nadu

Aster DM Healthcare on Sunday said it will invest Rs 500 crore to set up healthcare facilities in Tamil Nadu. Aster, which is one of the largest integrated healthcare providers in GCC and India, has signed a memorandum of understanding on March 26 with the Tamil Nadu government in this regard. The MoU proposes an investment of Rs 500 crore in hospitals, pharmacies and laboratories in Tamil Nadu, Aster DM Healthcare said in a statement. This will help provide quality healthcare at an affordable cost to the people of Tamil Nadu and generate employment for more than 3,500 people, it added. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin has encouraged the initiative and ensured support to the healthcare group. Currently, Aster has 14 hospitals, 9 clinics and 66 labs and patient experience centres in India, with an investment of about Rs 3,000 crore. With five hospitals already in Kerala, including Aster Medcity – the flagship hospital of the group, the investment in Tamil Nadu will further soli...

RRR, The Kashmir Files box office early estimates

RRR (Hindi) witnessed a growth of 20-25 perent on Saturday and did a very good business with collections of Rs 23-23.50 crore nett. This will the film’s collection to Rs 42.50 crore nett in two days, reports Boxofficeindia. The impressive collections can be attributed to higher ticket prices, given the occupancy has not been as strong. However, the occupancy is expected to increase on Sunday for ‘RRR’ with huge collections expected from Gujarat/ Saurashtra, Central India, and UP and Bihar circuits. ‘The Kashmir Files’ continues to be excellent on its third Saturday with collections in the range of Rs 7.50 crore nett after a jump of 65-70% from the previous day, the report further stated. The film’s total now stands at Rs 217.50 crore nett. It is expected to cross the 225 crore nett mark after the third weekend despite competition from ‘RRR’. While ‘The Kashmir Files’ is film based on exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from the Valley, ‘RRR’ narrates a fictional story about two Indian revol...

Gurugram: Man booked for rape after 13-year-old girl delivers baby

JIND : A 13-year-old girl from Jind gave birth to a premature baby at PGIMS, Rohtak, on Saturday, following which police booked a distant relative of the rape survivor who allegedly raped her multiple times in September and October last year. Though the girl had been pregnant for seven months, her family came to know of the pregnancy from a local hospital where they took her two days ago after she complained of a stomach ache. The case was registered at Civil Lines police station here. The accused is from Kiloi town of Rohtak district. The family alleged that he had been a regular visitor. Credit Source – The post Gurugram: Man booked for rape after 13-year-old girl delivers baby appeared first on Stay in Gurgaon .

खुलासा: शराब कारोबार में वर्चस्व के लिए की थी पूर्व पार्षद और भाई की हत्या, आरोपी के खुलासे से पुलिस भी हैरान

सार गुरुग्राम पुलिस ने दो भाइयों की हत्या के मामले में मुख्य आरोपी और उसके साथी को गिरफ्तार कर लिया है। पुलिस ने आरोपियों के पास से घटना में इस्तेमाल की गई कार, चार मोबाइल और दो डोंगल बरामद किए हैं। इस हत्याकांड को शराब कारोबार में वर्चस्व के लिए के अंजाम दिया गया था। ख़बर सुनें विस्तार गुरुग्राम के पटौदी थाना इलाके में  25 फरवरी को पूर्व पार्षद परमजीत और उनके भाई सुरजीत की हत्या के मामले में मुख्य आरोपी को उसके एक साथी के साथ गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया है। अपराध शाखा सेक्टर-दस की टीम ने आरोपियों से घटना में प्रयुक्त एक कार, चार मोबाइल और दो डोंगल बरामद किए हैं। शराब कारोबार में वर्चस्व कायम करने और पूर्व में हुए एक दोहरे हत्याकांड में गवाही देने पर वारदात को अंजाम दिया गया था। अब तक इस मामले में तीन आरोपी गिरफ्तार हो चुके हैं। विज्ञापन एसीपी क्राइम प्रीतपाल सांगवान ने बताया कि आरोपी अजय उर्फ जेलदार निवासी गांव खोड़ को 22 मार्च को पुलिस ने इफ्को चौक से गिरफ्तार किया था। तीन दिन की रिमांड पर आरोपी ने बताया कि पटौदी क्षेत्र में स्थापित शराब के ठेकों पर व शराब कारोबार ...

Complaint filed against Vivek Agnihotri in Mumbai

A complaint has been filed against ‘The Kashmir Files’ director Vivek Agnihotri at a police station in Mumbai over his “Bhopali means homosexual” comment seeking registration of an FIR for defamation and other charges. The complaint was submitted at Versova police station by journalist-cum-celebrity public relations manager Rohit Pandey through his lawyer Ali Kashif Khan Deshmukh, a police official said on Saturday. The complainant alleged that the director of ‘The Kashmir Files’ insulted and disrespected his (Pandey’s) native place Bhopal by “willingly, wantonly and maliciously calling Bhopalis as homosexuals” in an interview with media, the official said quoting the complaint. The official confirmed the receipt of the written complaint. The complainant has sought registration of an FIR against Agnihotri under sections 153 A and B for promoting enmity between different groups, 295A (Deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting it...

Gurugram: Woman slits wrists & jumps off Rajiv Chowk flyover, dies

GURUGRAM: A 23-year-old woman died by suicide on Saturday after jumping off the Rajiv Chowk flyover. According to the police, the woman first cut both her wrists with a sharp object and then jumped off the flyover and fell on the road below. No suicide note has been found on her and the reason behind her taking such a drastic step is still not known. Sapna (23) was a resident of Hans Enclave in the city and lived with her mother and younger brother. Her father, who is posted in the CISF, was out of the city at the time of the incident. Sapna had completed her BCom from Delhi University and was currently pursuing a certified management accountant (CMA) course in Delhi. According to the police, she did not leave any suicide note behind and, so far, her family has not shared anything that could throw light on the reason for the suicide. No complaint has been filed by the family as well. She is said to have left her home on a black-coloured scooter at 2pm and reached the Delhi-Jaipur s...